Escape from the Man Haters Club

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Here's the story of how getting into FemDom cured my (almost) life-long, negative bias towards men.
Aww …look… it’s non-hateful Bastienne!

Thanks for subscribing - hope you enjoy! I’ve sent this one out to everyone on the mailing list - both paid and free subscribers - and then made it private to the public afterwards. So if you’re trying to listen through the substack website, you may not be able to but you can access it through the original email I sent ya!

After re-listening to this, there’s definitely things I could amend or convey in a more concise manner but, you’ll get the gist. I’m trying to strike a balance with each podcast between speaking naturally about things while also, having a fucking point (it’s not a coincidence that this is called ‘Bastienne’s Ramblings’ 🤦‍♀️).

One thing I did want to mention about being objectified as a woman; what I said in the audio does not apply in sessions or clips. For me, that’s kosher, consensual and all that jazz, whereas having that happen ‘in the wild’ (aka in public) is annoying af.

Hope this makes your brain tick… Have a kinky week and I’ll be back in your inbox next Tuesday ;)